Saturday, September 4, 2010

"Describe yourself in 5 words."

ME: in 5 words

            I have always been the observant type, the one that prefers to listen to what other people have to say and to keep my opinions to myself.  I have never been one to confront, nor to rant.  I would much rather prefer hearing what other people have to say. 

            I am only 18 years old; I have only lived a mere fraction of my life.  I cannot wait to experience the world and meet new people and go to places that I never thought I could go.  I know that I have the rest of my life ahead of me.
            Coffee is my addiction.  I LOVE the stuff!  At my old high school, you would have most likely seen me with a cup of coffee (iced or hot. depending on the temperature outside) in my hand, no matter the time of day.  My morning is not complete without a Cup o’ Joe

Neat- Freak
            I like things to be clean and somewhat organized, end of story.  
Beach- Bum
            In the summer, all I ever want to do is go to the beach.  Lying in the sun is such an enjoyable feeling.  The atmosphere of being at the beach is one of tranquility and relaxation; it slows you down and makes you appreciate the simpler things in life.

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