Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Difficult Situation.

My assignment this week is to write about a difficult situation that I have faced so far at college.  Well, it feels like every day I am being faced with a new obstacle, usually something that I have never encountered before and am certainly not used to.  I think that’s what college is about, facing new challenges and reaching new successes.
The most difficult situation that I have been in so far was during the week of midterms.  I was faced with the over-whelming task of studying the mountain of Biology index cards piled upon desk, along with more exams and assignments from my other classes.  I somehow managed to get a solid 5 or 6 hours of Biology studying in before I realized that it would be impossible to flip another index card. 
I took the exam with confidence, I knew that I had studied all that I could, and felt like I had a fairly strong understanding of the material that I was going to be tested on.  The exam grades were posted online the following Monday, and I was anxious to see what I had gotten.  I hurried to my computer, only to find that I had received a “D” on the midterm. 
I was heartbroken, and felt more discouraged than I ever had before.  I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that I knew the material, and that the grade, which had been placed before me, did not match up to the effort that I had put into that class.  I was curious what I had done wrong on the exam, so in the following weeks, I stopped by my professors office and asked to look at my exam.
To my surprise, there was a “94” at the top of my paper.  My professor had entered the wrong score online, leaving me in complete shock, and excitement.  I no longer felt discouraged or disappointed, and it gave me a sense of accomplishment knowing that my hard work had, indeed, paid off.

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