Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Ideal Life.

My ideal life…

I have been asked to read a blog post written by Keri Smith and in turn write about what my ideal life would be like.  Well, in a perfect world, I would have an enriching and lucrative career, and live a more than comfortable life.  I would be married to the perfect guy, and live in a beautiful house.  I would drive my “dream car”, preferably a Cadillac SRX (in black).  This seems so typical, but it really is what I see as ideal. 

I wouldn’t be faced with an ounce of stress, nor would anything in my life be challenging or difficult. All the big decisions that I would have to make would come easy to me.  My family as well as myself would never get sick, and nothing bad would happen to them either.  I would vacation whenever I wanted to and I would spare no expense to travel the world. 


 Even though I know that the idea of experiencing your ideal life is near impossible, it’s nice to think of what could be.  All I can hope is that I live a long, healthy life and accomplish all of my goals…and maybe a vacation every once in while wouldn’t be out of the question...

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