Tuesday, November 2, 2010

grade inflation

There is an epidemic hitting our nation.  It’s not a deadly illness, but something that might prove even more fatal to our nation than any bacteria ever could.  It’s the topic of grade inflation, from our nation’s secondary schools up to colleges and universities.  Giving students higher grades than what they worked for, or deserve, is a slippery slope that this nation cannot afford to go down. 

I was unaware of this topic until I read a recent article.  I was shocked at the idea of this happening in schools, and was wondering what institutions would make such a mockery of education.  That is, until I thought about even more.  I realized that not only did my previous high school inflate grades, they did it A LOT.  I thought of “curves” and a warped GPA’s were common place to me, until I realized that it shouldn’t me the norm to so many of us.  My school was just another culprit of this recent outbreak in the educational system. 

The article goes on to expose some of the universities who have been tapping on points to their students GPA.  Their excuse?  To make them more attractive to companies in this ever so aggressive job market. 

These extra points can be found in public schools, also.  Schools tap on points to their students grades in order to look more appealing.  They are teaching kids at a young age that it is o.k. to put in little effort, because they are going to succeed, even when they do not deserve. 

So what is the long-term result of these grade inflations?  What are these privileged students going to do when they start working and realize that they cannot prevail on a mediocre effort?  I feel that this is going to lead to a spoiled America, a country which half-asses everything, and still expect to succeed.  

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