Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My Leadership Position

Believe it or not, I played sports in high school.  Actually, I played A LOT of sports in high school.  Though I dabbled between track, basketball, and lacrosse, there was always one sport that I focused most of my effort on, field hockey.  I started playing on varsity half way through my freshman year, and realized that I wasn’t too bad at it.  My senior year, I was voted captain, and it was my first time being in a leadership position. 
            I am usually a pretty quite person, so having to lead people, both at practice and in games was something completely new to me.  Though I was foreign to the concepts of leadership, I embraced my new position and tried my best to step out of my comfort zone and become a good captain. 
            I would lead the warm-ups in practices as well as before games, I organized pasta dinners and team parties, and I directed plays on the field, and loved every minute of it.  Even though I don’t think I would ever take another leadership role again, I enjoyed being in charge, even if it was only for one season.  I feel like if I was put into a position were I had to lead a group of people on something that I wasn’t completely familiar with, the results would be dreadful. But hey, someone's gotta be the follower.

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